Saturday 6 November 2010

IGN UK Podcast #54

Another Friday, another podcast and another chance to see what depths the IGN UK team can plummet. This week its the depths of decency and inanity that are explored to their fullest as our team discuss the latest goings on in the world of entertainment.

It's a slightly depleted line-up of Stuart, Alex, Dan, Chris and Martin, but what they lack in numbers they make up for with the sheer volume of apathy on display. The mumblings include but aren't limited to:

- The week in news!
- What miserable events have occured in our lives these past seven days!
- Videogame hardware's greatest failures!
- How to cultivate a personality!
- What insults our listeners have been hurling our way!

As ever, if you've got something to say to the team, grab us on our Twitter page, our spiffy new Facebook page, via email at or on the IGN UK podcast hotline, which you can call on 020 7632 2364. Don't forget you can subscribe (or cheer Dan up with a nice comment or wholly-appreciated star rating) on iTunes too!

Until next time!

View the original article here

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