Friday 17 December 2010

Bizarre Mutated Dead Animal Footage by DISTRICT 9 Director

Fellow iPad nerds will recognize this footage from the latest issue of WiReD magazine. The footage was created by DISTRICT 9 director Neill Blomkamp and the footage is as bizarre as the minute bit of information we know about the project...

Follow up:

The video shows two men finding a bizarre mutated dad creature with a stamp reading "18.12 AGM Heartland" on the torso. This is all shot on what looks like a hand held camera or possibly even a cell phone. Does this have anything to do with DISTRICT 9 and a possible prequel? It seems highly unlikely but nothing would suprise us at this point. Especially when Neill Blomkamp is involved.

Feast on the video footage below and you be the judge.

Source: YouTube

View the original article here

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