Sunday 19 December 2010

Mayors Urge Gov. To Veto Cancer Presumption Bill

Posted: 5:11 pm EST November 23, 2010

Financial woes are driving mayors from 16 Pennsylvania communities to urge Governor Rendell to veto House Bill 1231. If signed, the bill, also called the "Cancer Presumption Bill," would allow any firefighter, hired or volunteer, to have health coverage if diagnosed with cancer. Firefighters said they are exposed to many cancer-causing chemicals. That's why some on the front line said the "Cancer Presumption Bill" is a good thing. "Thirty something states already have it," said Chief Robert Benner, Whitehall Fire Department. "I feel that Pennsylvania, which has a large amount of firefighters, especially volunteers, would certainly benefit from it." "The whole bill lacks common sense," said Mayor Sal Panto, (D) Easton. "It just shows you that Harrisburg and the legislature could care less about how much more money they shift from them to us." Panto is one of 16 mayors to sign a letter asking Rendell to veto the legislation. Allentown and Reading's mayors have also signed the letter. The bill would allow those fighting fires to file a claim while employed and up to six years after they retire, if they are diagnosed with cancer. "The whole bill puts the burden of proof on the municipalities that they didn't get cancer fighting a fire," said Panto. "Several years ago we had a trailer fire that was loaded with drums of chemical," said Benner. "There was numerous firefighters exposed as a result of the chemical." Panto said many cities are financially-strapped and this new expense will have to be dealt with some way. "All I know is I have a pot of money and if my revenues are here and my expenses are here, I'm not raising revenue to get to here," said Panto. "I'm lowering expenses to get to here." This bill passed by large margin in both the state House and Senate. Copyright 2010 WFMZ. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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