Thursday 16 December 2010

Leaked SUPER 8, CLOVERFIELD 2 or TROLL 2 Remake Conceptual Monster Image?

Ok, the TROLL 2 remake nod in the title was a joke. About a thousand of you Bidites just read that and were either exicted or were like...oh lord, a TROLL 2 remake, are you guys serious? :) That's what we do here, we have fun. Now onto the real story...

Follow up:

The good folks at camp Aullidos have sent out a new image which according to them, "is connected with a new Paramount film." Talk about leaving us in the dark. So what is the mystery monster associated with? Could this possibly being connected to the highly anticipated and long overdue CLOVERFIELD sequel or how about the other hand help film in production SUPER 8. Both films have had Fort Knox type security surrounding them thus far. One thing we are hearing from STYD is that the image was created for the production company Bad Robot Productions. Still a lot of puzzel pieces to put together.

It's likely we won't find out for awhile but whatever it coincides with its a great conecptual piece. We love the look of the monster especially this early in its design. As always stay locked for more information as we get it. Until then, either curse or praise the thought of a TROLL 2 remake. Till next time Bidites. Have a good Monday!

Source: Aullidos

View the original article here

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